Exercise for Mental Health
Benefits of Exercise for the Over 60s
Risks associated with Depression
Depression is a common but serious illness, and if it goes unaddressed for a long time, it can cause significant damage to a personal mental and physical health.
Risks associated with Anxiety
Risks associated with OCD
Risks associated with Bipolar
Risks associated with Self-harming
Whilst self-harm does not always lead to thoughts of suicide, self-harming is a serious mental health issue that generally has a basis in significant emotional pain and trauma, and therefore needs immediate support.
Risks associated with Substance Abuse
Substance abuse can cause significant damage to a personal mental and physical health, and it is not uncommon for a person with a substance abuse disorder to be in a life-threatening crisis, either to themselves, or to others.
Risks associated with Eating Disorders
An eating disorder is a mental health condition which, if left untreated, can lead to severe physical consequences and mental trauma.
First Aid for Mental Health
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Dealing with Crisis
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If you need help urgently call the NHS on 111, and ask for mental health services, call the Samaritans on 116 123, text SHOUT (a free, confidential and available 24/7) on 85258, or download the Stay Alive app.